Wellbeing & Performance





Published research, articles and blogs

I’ve created this space to link out to things I’ve published online - from formal research articles that have been placed in academic journals, to musings that have been distributed in websites for a wider or public audience. Please click on the links below to access the articles.

academic journals

All the pieces that have been published in academic journals, can be found on my Research Gate profile here.

This includes the articles ‘Transferable skills for QSEP training. From marketing to Sport Psychology’ and 'Let me check with my supervisor' The first year of a neophyte practitioner's development.


I am trying to publish reflective practice writings as often as possible through Psychreg and Believe Perform.

This includes the articles:


My Medium blog page can be found here. Including articles that focus on applying psychological principles to business, such as:

I’ve also written this article summarising the key themes from the 1st season of my podcast Slice of PIE.


Quora.com is great resource for the public to ask questions. I try to regularly answer questions about sport psychology (to the best of my ability) and/or sign-post to other research, links or articles on the subject. My Quora profile and content can be found here.

A selection of posts:


I have started collating my public lectures on Slideshare.com - if you are interested in any of the talks or presentations, please email me.


This DSEP article curated by fellow Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist Jo Davies, might be helpful for those who are looking to read first hand accounts of QSEP trainees and the variety of pathways into the profession. There is a section in the article written about my own journey.

For those interested in Staffordshire University’s BPS-accredited Distance Learning MSc in Sport & Exercise Psychology, the University kindly asked me to reflect on my experience in this video.

I also delivered a presentation to recent MSc students on the Staffs program, charting my part-time journey from MSc to QSEP in the UK - that presentation can be found on Slideshare here.

Finally, this article on prioritising literature on the DSEP Blog, might be helpful for those also wrestling with the thought ‘there’s too much to read and not enough time!’.